Side A
1. Shomea Kol Bechiot ( שומע קול בכיות)
Side B
2. Maran Dvishmaya (מרן דבשמיא)
3. Ata Yodea (אתה יודע)
4. Hoshana (הושענא)
Side B
1. Beyn Melitz (באין מליץ)
2. Zechor (זכור)
3. Al Het (על חטא)
4. Ashamnu Mikol Am (אשמנו מכל עם)
The Hazanut Chapter
My Parents Beti and David, were great lovers of Hazanut. They knew by heart all the names of the big Hazanut performers( Rosenblatt, Koussevitzky, Werdiger, Pinchik, Glanz, Vigoda, Sirota, Malavsky etc...), and all the famous masterpieces sung by these cantors ( Kol Nidrei, Avinu Malkenu, Shir Hamaalot, Slichot, Hineni, Ribon Haolamim, Tov Leodot, Halelu Es Hashem etc... ).
My Parents Beti and David, were great lovers of Hazanut. They knew by heart all the names of the big Hazanut performers( Rosenblatt, Koussevitzky, Werdiger, Pinchik, Glanz, Vigoda, Sirota, Malavsky etc...), and all the famous masterpieces sung by these cantors ( Kol Nidrei, Avinu Malkenu, Shir Hamaalot, Slichot, Hineni, Ribon Haolamim, Tov Leodot, Halelu Es Hashem etc... ).
My Mom and Dad were addicted listeners to the Hazanut radio concerts and also kept and played some records at home. Mom had a good voice and she used to try and immitate the hazan's performance - usually with good results.
In East Europe where we came from, a great hazan (jewish cantor) was considered one with an above -average voice (an opera singer's voice) and a thorough knowledge of the prayers ( a baal tefila) that will enable him to successfully conduct the religious service at the synagogue during the Holidays ,and attract through his performance, a great audience.
Among the famous cantors there were three well known opera singers that appeared on the stage of most important opera houses in the world: Joseph Smith, Jan Peerce, Richard Tucker.
חזן מועדף
על חזן להיות טוב בתפילות
לדעת להרטיט לבבות
בקול של זמר אופרה
ונשמה של בעל תפילה
הורי בטי ודוד היקרים
"היו לגמרי "מכורים
לפרקי חזנות ולקול חזן
הן מקומי והן מן העולם
הם ידעו 'לגלגל' על לשונם
שמו של כל חזן מפורסם
רוזנבלאט, שטרן, ויגודה
מלאבסקי, פינצ'יק, סירוטה
ועוד כהנה וכהנה מפורסמים
שהושמעו ברדיו וע"ג תקליטים
כגון הטנורים טאקר ויאן פירס
וכן הגדול מכולם, גיוזף שמידט
אמי אהבה מדי פעם לנסות
את הקולות "הגדולים" לחקות
ובקולה הרם, הצלול, והחם
הגישה ביצוע לא רע בכלל
Cantor de sarbatori
La sinagoga, un cantor bun
Atragea enoriasii la rugaciuni
Prin glasul lui dramatic de tenor
Prezenta , si stil acaparator
Imi amintesc ca se vroia neaparat
A sti cine e cantorul angajat
De sarbatorile cele Mari
La cantatul capitolelor 'tari'
Ai mei erau mari admiratori
Ai unor cantori nemuritori
Ca Rozenblatt, Stern, Vigoda
Pinchik, Malavsky, Sirota
Acasa ascultau la radio regulat
Programul de Hazanut difuzat
Si apoi au trecut la cel televizat
Care le oferea ore de neuitat
Mama incerca sa imite
Prin vocea ei, cele auzite
Si o facea destul de bine
Cu talent si siguranta de sine