October 11, 2008


Primary Clinic in "Qedma" in Ramat-Hasharon

Clalit Health Services

Kupat Holim Clalit is a major health organization in Israel that has primary as well as specialized clinics, hospitals, laboratories, pharmacies, etc... In almost every neighborhood there's a primary health care clinic which serves the community.

My parents had a 'soft spot' for this institution. The Clalit Clinic was the first vital place in Israel they visited as new immigrants, hoping to find there care and healing. Besides, the clinic (even more than the synagogue) was a central place where people met bi-weekly or monthly for a chat before entering and/or after leaving the doctor's office or the pharmacy.

Up to the end, Mom and Dad respected Kupat Holim Health Provider , and were confident in the family medical staff, despite many disappointments , regarding the attitude and treatment they received over the years.
Kupat Holim should have been there for teaching prevention and treating urgency, yet it mostly made people dependent on the family doctor and the medicines he/she prescribed (not always successfully).
Looking back, I would say my parents reached old age not becase of Kupat Holim, but in spite of it and its services.

קופ"ח כללית

קופת חולים או שרותי בריאות
לא חשוב השם כי אם המהות
הורי האמינו במוסד הנ"ל
אך זה 'בגד' בהם לא פעם

הם נתנו אמון ברופא המשפחה
אך הוא לעיתים גרם אכזבה
נהג לרשום להם תרופות
מבלי תחילה לערוך בדיקות

מתן תרופות זהו שם המשחק
שמתנהל בין הרופא והאזרח
אי הקפדה בבחירת תרופות הופך את החולה לשפן נסיונות

היתה בכולנו וגם בהורי, תמימות
בכל הנוגע למערכת הבריאות
מבנה, שיטות, תרופות, רופא
ומה שזה עשה לאדם החולה

אני נוהגת לפעמים לומר
שהורי הגיעו לגילם המבוגר
למרות פעלולי הקופה
לא בשל השרותים שלה

Kupat Holim si Parintii Mei

Kupat Holim Clalit
Cu clinica -n orice district
Acorda constant ajutor medical
Contra suma de asigurare minimal

Parintii mei aveau incredere-n 'Kupa'
Si-n doctorul de familie la 'Marpea'
Insa uneori acestia au dezamagit
Prin acordare de tratament gresit

Mergeau parintii, lunar, pe indelete
Sa-si ia saculetul cu medicamente
Tata pentru arsuri si hypertensiune
Mama pentru vaz, auz, si slabiciune
Obisnuiesc sa spun si eu cateodata
Ca parintii au ajuns la o varsta inaintata
In ciuda serviciilor primite la 'Kupa'
Si nicidecum datorita acestora.

1 comment:

chemist said...


Thanks for stopping by my blog, "Traveling Chemist". And thanks for the tip about lemon juice for a sore throat. My cold is on the way out and my throat is better today.

Traveling Chemist