September 28, 2008


David  Cojocaru

Barber , Film lover, Mench

My father David liked his trade , that of hair cutting, shaving, trimming beards , and everything about it. He was good at it too, good at handling the scissors, the comb, the single blade razor, the pomades, the hair tonic, the neck powder. He also liked his clients that were seated on the chair ready to receive his full attention and skill. I think he was the favourite barber in town, not only because he did a good job but also because of his endless patience and smile.

He started as the owner of a small barber shop. After world war two ended, and he returned to his town Saveni as a Holocaust survivor, he had to join a barbers' cooperative, according to the rules of the communist regime (that was not in favor of private ownership). There were about five barbers in this cooperative , and they had their hands full of work.

(In the seventies , in Israel, there was no much demand for a traditional barber. Hair styling and the Gillette self razors - opened a new era in which there was hardly place for him. So he went to work in a big oil and toiletry concern named "Etz Hazait"- olive tree, in Hebrew, where he stayed until retirement).

He liked to go to the cinema whenever he could. There were films he had watched more than once. I recall the title of a russian war picture he often used to quote : "Nothing New on the West Front", it said. He was so pleased with this title that whenever asked how things are, he replied with "nothing new on the west front".

When we got hold of a a television set, he became addicted to TV action serials.

After retirement, he liked staying at home , preparing his daily salad and cup of tea or coffee, giving my mother and my brother a monthly decent hair- cut, going to the synagogue, browsing the prayer book on holidays, reading the newspaper, and , among other things, visiting the local clinic to have his blood pressure checked.

The family doctor at the clinic told me once that my father was unique in that he never left her cabinet with the back to her, only with his face to her. Such a fine man he was !

אבא שלי - ספר,פועל,גמלאי
אבי, דוד ז"ל, היה ספר במקצועו
תחילה עבד במספרה קטנה משלו

ולאחר מלחמת העולם השניה
כאשר הקומוניזם תפס שליטה
נאלץ עם אחרים לשתף פעולה
"בקואופ. ממשלתי "המספרה

הוא אהב את מלאכתו
וגם היטיב לבצע חלקו
בגילוח פניו ותספורת ראשו
של הלקוח ובני ביתו

הצטיין בסבלנות ובחיוך חמים
והדבר קנה לו חיבה ומוניטין
אצל לקוחותיה המגוונים
של מספרת חמשת הספרים

בארץ עבר אבי לעבוד
במפעל לייצור שמן וסבון
הספרות הפכה לתחביב
מועיל, מהנה, וחביב

"עם פרישתו מ"עץ הזית
מצא את מקומו בבית
בהכנת מאכלים פשוטים
בקריאה , בצפיה בסרטים

מדי פעם לשווקים נסע
להביא משם תוצרת טריה
את בית הכנסת ואת המרפאה
פקד בקביעות במשך השנה

Barbierul din Saveni

Ii placea de meserie
Si lucra zilnic la frizerie
Manuia bine brici si foarfece
Masina de tuns, si pieptene

Clientii il respectau
Talentul i-l apreciau
Si el din partea sa
Amabil se comporta

In orele libere citea
Sau la cinema mergea
Il interesau filme de actiune
Si apoi seriale de televiziune

In Israel la "Etz-Hazait" a lucrat
Concern de ulei si sapun de spalat
Era muncitor harnic si devotat
Pana cand s-a pensionat

Dupa a sa pensionare
A avut placere mare
Pe la casa lui sa stea
Cu chestii mici a se ocupa

Prepara salate si cafea
Pleca la piata si targuia
De mers la sinagoga nu uita
Si nici clinica, nu o neglija

David, Tata Drag

Tata, tatal meu
Ma gandesc mereu
La zambetul tau
Oh, zambetul tau !

Tata, tata drag
Bun ca cozonac
O inima de aur
Capul -un tezaur

De la tine am mostenit
Naravuri si multe calitati
Tot de la tine am primit
Suport, sfaturi si poveti

Pentru toate-ti multumesc

(Charlie Chaplin - The Barber)

September 12, 2008


My sister Mina-Ruhale

Mina - Ruhale, my elder sis
I wish I could hug her and kiss
I have no photo of her, never had
In Transnistria, she starved to death

[I, was born after that]

So, I never felt what it's like
To have a sister by your side
Sharing things, dreaming together
Making plans, helping each other

Just try to imagine the tragic event
A little girl in the concentration camp
No food, no water,no air-Only disease-
She closes her eyes, her soul leaves

מינה-רוחלה ,האחות שלא הכרתי

אחותי הגדולה- קטנטנה
שלא זכיתי כלל להכירה
בשואה היא נספתה
בת פחות משנתיים היתה

תמונה כנראה לא צולמה
לא ידוע לי איך נראתה
רק יודעת שאחות לי היתה
ולדאבוני אין לי אותה

אמי לא דברה על הילדה
הכאב שיתק את דיבורה
כל פעם שנושא השואה עלה
וכן הקורבנות : אחותה וילדתה

Mina- Ruhale

Mina Ruhale, scumpa surioara
Te-ai dus de foamete si boala
In lagarul de concentrare
Cu evrei torturati de fiare

Micuta si plapanda cum erai
La chinuri si foame nu rezistai
Asa ti-ai dat sufletelul neprihanit
Parasind lumea asta fara nimic

Nu a ramas semn de la tine

Nici bucla de par, nici fotografie
Doar in inima si memoria mea
Vei ramane dea pururea

September 6, 2008

The Synagogue - Place of Worship

The "Great Synagogue" in Saveni

The" Moreshet Avot" synagogue in Ramat Hasharon

Both of the above mentioned synagogues played an important role in my parents' life. The synagogue was not only a spiritual place where they could attend the various religious services and ceremonies, recite prayers, chant religious songs, but also a place which enabled them to mingle socially, meet and make friends, discuss matters of mutual interest, and so on.

The 'Great Synagogue ', also known as the 'Central Synagogue', one of half a dozen synagogues once existing in our native town of Saveni (Botosani county), Romania, is closed now and is in a deplorable state.

This synagogue was situated on the street , called in those days, "strada Sarbi " - Sarbi being the name of the village whose boundary was at the very far end of this interminable, long street.

The building of the synagogue was dignified, both the facade and the interior. There were stairways leading up to the women's balcony. I remember frescoes, and nice liturgical objects.

On holidays, I used to go with my parents Beti and David to the synagogue. There , I met with other children and we had 'a good time ' together, outside . We usually went inside for the "special parts", for instance ,to listen to the shofar blowing.This instrument made from a ram horn was producing a sort of "weeping sound" which to us children was kind of intriguing.

"Moreshet Avot" means in Hebrew "Ancestors' Heritage" and that's the name of the Askenazi synagogue in Ramat Hasharon ( our residence town in Israel) which we attended on Holidays. My parents used to go there also on Sabbath. They liked the place and most of the people that came to the religious services and to other events.

The left wall in the entrance hall is a Remembrance Wall with tin memorial plaqes inscribed with the names of deceased congregants. Near each plaque, a candle which lits up on the death day & month of the person to be remembered. I purchased such plaques and had them displayed on this wall- in memory to my parents Beti and David, my brother Hersh and his boy Shai, my uncle Haim and his wife Elca, my infant sister Mina -Ruhale and my Mom's youngest sister Rifca (both victims of the Hollocaust who perished in Transnistria).

בית הכנסת והורי

הורי יקירי, בטי ודוד, זכרונם לברכה
היו בין באי ביהכ"נ הגדול בסווני, רומניה
ובישראל, נמנו על באי ביהכ"נ מורשת אבות
אשר בעיר רמת השרון, ברחוב הרב הרצוג

עבור הורי, בית הכנסת היה
לא רק מקום מיועד לתפילה
כי אם גם מוקד לימודי/ חברתי
לבעלי זיקה לעם היהודי

שני בתי הכנסת בלטו בסביבתם
מבחינת מבנה, עיצוב, מרקם
והותירו בלב הבאים והולכים בשערם
תחושה זכה, יחס וזכרון חם

הורי הביעו לא פעם את רצונם
'שבבוא זמנם 'לעבור מן העולם
תעצור מכונית חברת קדישא שבה גופתם
"בחזית בית הכנסת "מורשת אבות
לאות פרידה , ומתן כבוד

Sinagoga si parintii mei

Parintilor mei le placea
La sinagoga a mergea
De sambata si sarbatori
Carti de ruga la subsuori

Se porneau de dimineata
Sa prinda loc bun in fata
Sa auda hazanul mai bine
Si sa poata vedea pe oricine

Respectau traditia, iubeau hazanut
Credeau in Dumnezeu , si in Iaadut
Sinagoga era pentru ei in primul rand
Beit Hael, Templul - un lacas sfant

Ambii mei parinti si-au dorit
Ca la timpul si momentul potrivit
Masina funebra cu corpul neinsufletit
In drum spre cimitir, sa faca un stop
In fata, la a lor 'shil' "Moreshet Avot"

Dorinta le-a fos indeplinita.

September 2, 2008

SHAI means 'present', 'gift' (in Hebrew)

Shai  Cojocaru

Shai (Shaikele) Cojocaru

Shai my brother Hersh's boy
Was a great gift , pure joy
Sweet and innocent child
Melting hearts when he smiled

Awful disease attacked the infant
He had to undergo hard treatment
It left his parents in deep sorrow
Darkness became their tomorrow

They were helpless in the face of Fate
That decided so cruelly to 'behave'
Shai's suffering and death were terrible
The agony of his parents unbelievable

שי, אחיין מקסים שלי

שי, שייקיולה, אחיין שלי
בן יחיד ויקר של הרש אחי
רק הגעת לעולם, הצצת בו
ואלוהים לקח אותך איתו

לא הית נער ולא גבר
רק ילד קט שידע סבל
זה הרס את כל המשפחה
נותרה אחריך רק שממה

סלח לנו על חוסר האונים
להשאיר אותך בין החיים
כואב, ואתה חסר נורא
יכולת להיות ממש 'אחלא

baietel, nepotel/ copilas, ingeras

Shai baietel scump
Ai suferit tare mult
Te-ai purtat ca un erou
Pan'te-a luat Dumnezeu

Shai nepotelul meu drag
Pe scurt timp ne-ai fost dat
Dulce, splendid copilas
Acum, doar un ingeras

Asa a fost scris sa fie
C-ai fost luat in vesnicie
Si noi indoliati am ramas
Cu inimi sfasiate de necaz

Dormi in pace Shai puisor
Pe veci ne va fi de tine dor